WelCome to our upcoming webinar on Partial Discharge Monitoring in Gas Insulated Switch Gear

Join us on May 17th at 9 am EST for an hour-long session with industry expert, Mr. Bharat Nandula, as he explores the causes and monitoring options of partial discharge (PD).

Our content is designed around a series of questions that our Technical Applications Specialists are frequently asked, giving you access to the answers and best practices they have developed over their decades of experience in the industry.

During the webinar, we will cover a range of topics, including What is Partial Discharge, Why does it occur, What causes it, How to identify it, and How to interpret Partial Discharge data.

If you're looking to learn more about Partial Discharge Monitoring in Gas Insulated Switchgear, this webinar is the perfect opportunity. Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your knowledge and improve your skills in the industry. Register now to secure your spot!